SV: Not again! (OT)

Wed, 27 Dec 2000 11:46:31 EST

Ola writes:

<<"and answer what he really writes. He has very many well written technical 
posts and is also intrested in discussing other things than HT.">>

 Before breaching the main topic let me say that while you may not reside in 
the U.S. you are not a "foreigner" on this list. The list is open and 
available to all and is not a place for "foreigners" because we are all 
technicians whatever our nationality.

 There have been many instances of list respondents saying that Mr. Bremmers 
posts can and do contain items of information of great value...some of those 
same posts also decry his amazing propensity for personal attacks.
  In the current instance let us look at what happened, OK?

Horace Greely posted to the list:
  It is with some sadness that I pass along news of the death of Victor Borge.
Those of us who were privileged to work with him knew him as an underrated 
musician and performer.  More importantly, he was a consummate gentleman 
and citizen of the world.">>

Now Horace said he was "passing along" not 'announcing a scoop' or sharing 
'exclusive information'. I don't know why Horace posted that note but I would 
imagine that it has something to do with Victor Borge being 'among' the 
favorite well known performers to have worked with as noted many times on 
this list by many techs not just Horace or Mr. Bremmer.
 Mr. Borge was indeed a citizen of the world and we shall all miss him.

How Mr. bremmer got from there to his vitriol filled post in response to 
Horace is anyones guess I suppose, but as Ed noted the evidence for building 
a supposition is in the archives.

Looking at Mr. Bremmers post and what "what he really writes", as you say, 
can be illustrative, for instance:
Had Mr. Bremmer said, which he did,
<<"He said the same 
words of the Equal Beating Victorian Temperament I used as many have, "I 
liked it. Whatever you're doing, keep it up".>> 
 and left it at that I doubt any would have responded to him.....but he 
didn't leave it at that he continued with:
<<"This, of course quite contrary to the preaching and blatantly obscene 
admonishment against doing what I do and have done so successfully now for an 
entire nine years which was directed at me by the author of this post.">>

 In this personal attack, and it can only be judged such, there is no 
"professional content", no "technical" content and certainly nothing worth 
archiving. Indeed is just the continuation of a 'personal' vendetta over 
something that was written over two years ago. OK perhaps this is not 
toooooawfully bad and 'could' be overlooked but not content to leave it there 

Mr. Bremmer continued with:
seems fitting that those words were chosen from the gutter rather than from 
some philosopher.  And that's why I chose to ignore them and point out how 
foolishly wrong those gratuitous remarks were.">>

 Here Mr. Bremmer continues his 'personal' attack even while he 'claims' to 
"ignore" the reason for it.

Still not satisfied Mr. Bremmer continued:
<<"Sorry to bring this up on Christmas Eve, folks, but some people's ill 
words are not easily forgotten.  The news of Victor Borge's passing is, of 
course, sad but it is in the general media.">>

 Here he intimates that some "nebulous"  <<"ill chosen words">> were 
responsible for his current response. Although as I have already mentioned 
those words, whatever their actual content, were written two years ago.

 Still not satified Mr. Bremmer continued with:
<<"My first thought at seeing who 
it was who brought it up as a topic to this List as "...Those of us who were 
privileged to work with him knew him..." was just another attempt at name 
dropping posturing from a person who is always long on baloney and short on 
contributions of any substance.">>

 This can be viewed no other way but as a 'direct' personal attack on Horace.

While Mr. Bremmer will no doubt revel in the attention his miscreant behavior 
will garner, it adds nothing to the list in either a "technical" nor a 
"professional" manner. This entirely in oppsoition to his fairly well 
recieved apology for past posts of this same ilk and his promise to "try" and 
keep his posts "professional" and "technical".

 While I am among the number who value Mr. Bremmers technical insights I am 
also among the number who abhor his penchant for personal attack, slander, 
use of mirepresentatioin and outright lies to bolster his point or position.  
Would that the same persons who chastized Maria for saying that a shitty 
little spinet was a "shitty" little spinet would put the same energy into 
chastising Mr. Bremmer for his agrandized personal grievances as illustrated 
so well by this attack on Horace. I personally find this much more 
reprehensible than using a very descriptive term for a supposedly sad example 
of the piano makers art.
 Just check the archives Ola, it is all in there and not disputable by any.
Jim Bryant (FL)

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