When to do it

Wimblees@AOL.COM Wimblees@AOL.COM
Wed, 27 Dec 2000 10:50:23 EST

In a message dated 12/27/00 7:58:37 AM Central Standard Time, 
cedel@supernet.com writes:

<< Friends,
 Would someone who knows explain why Yamaha sets the capstans on new verticals
 high enough so the hammer shanks are slightly out from the rest rail cloth, 
 Ron mentions below?  I would probably regulate these pianos for normal lost
 motion, and I want to know if/why I shouldn't.  Or am I barking up the wrong
 Regards, Clyde

This is what I learned to do. I adjust my capstan so that when you pull back 
on the rest rail, the hammer stands still, but when you push up on it, it 
moves. I will make a slight adjustment, creating a tad bit of lost motion, 
when the jack has a little trouble getting under the but.


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