When to do it - do it now

Wimblees@AOL.COM Wimblees@AOL.COM
Wed, 27 Dec 2000 09:00:08 EST

In a message dated 12/26/00 11:50:50 AM Central Standard Time, 
RNossaman@KSCABLE.com writes:

<< If the keybed isn't bowing, did anyone measure it's thickness at the back
 edge to see if it's swelling? How about the overall height from key bottom
 to capstan top on one key to see if the measurement changed during the time
 between adjustments? No? Did anyone look at and measure anything at all
 other than dealing with the symptom of lost motion changing? Heck, I've
 cleared up more than a couple of really embarrassing mysteries for myself
 when I finally quit pondering helplessly and actually went looking for
 causes. It always makes me wonder what other painfully obvious things I'm
 baffled by on a daily basis.
 Hello, hello?  
 Ron N >>

OK, smarty pants, :) Even if I did do all the measuring, (which I didn't), 
what if I did find movement in the keybed. Why is the keybed moving so much 
as to cause lost motion? ( I had to turn each capstan about 1/2 a turn.)  Was 
it the moisture in the back rail cloth? Did the back rail flatten out?  I 
don't seem to have this problem with other pianos. Why is it happening on 
Yamaha studios? I thought Yamaha's were supposed to be better than the 
average piano, which does not have this problem?


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