When to do it

Clyde Hollinger cedel@supernet.com
Wed, 27 Dec 2000 06:31:25 -0500


Would someone who knows explain why Yamaha sets the capstans on new verticals
high enough so the hammer shanks are slightly out from the rest rail cloth, as
Ron mentions below?  I would probably regulate these pianos for normal lost
motion, and I want to know if/why I shouldn't.  Or am I barking up the wrong

Regards, Clyde

kam@flash.net wrote:

> >... I do notice one thing characteristic of new
> >Yamaha verticals. In most cases, the capstans are set just a tad high, and
> >the hammer shanks float just at, or slightly out from the rest rail cloth...
> >Ron N
> Ron, Avery, List,
> This phenomina, "set just a tad high", is actually intended by the Yamaha
> piano makers to be there in new verticals.  I remember hearing this
> mentioned by the instructors during one of their classes at a convention.
> Unfortunately, I don't remember the reason for doing so.
> So applying any method of removal of this "set just a tad high" thing on
> new Yamaha verticals defeat its purpose for being there.
> Keith McGavern

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