When to do it - do it now

Ron Nossaman RNossaman@KSCABLE.com
Tue, 26 Dec 2000 10:08:18 -0600

>Cmon guys y'all been in too much eggnog! :-))

Hi Gang,

It's simple enough to check, isn't it? Not the eggnog saturation level, the
cause of the problem. If the BR is rising and falling, the key height will
be too. The dip will change, and the checking distance. Keybed bowing can
be verified or ruled out  with a straightedge, no? Perpetual head
scratching over something too complicated to grasp, or requiring
unavailable money, time, and instrumentation to measure, is understandable.
In this case, however, wouldn't ten minutes time with a string and
flashlight and a couple of standard issue brain cells explain a few things?
Did anyone try that? No? 

If the keybed isn't bowing, did anyone measure it's thickness at the back
edge to see if it's swelling? How about the overall height from key bottom
to capstan top on one key to see if the measurement changed during the time
between adjustments? No? Did anyone look at and measure anything at all
other than dealing with the symptom of lost motion changing? Heck, I've
cleared up more than a couple of really embarrassing mysteries for myself
when I finally quit pondering helplessly and actually went looking for
causes. It always makes me wonder what other painfully obvious things I'm
baffled by on a daily basis.

Hello, hello?  

Ron N

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