When to do it

Wimblees@AOL.COM Wimblees@AOL.COM
Sun, 24 Dec 2000 17:41:59 EST

In a message dated 12/24/00 6:51:20 AM Central Standard Time, 
cedel@supernet.com writes:

<< Friends,
 What happens to lost motion, particularly in spinets and consoles, when
 the humidity changes?  When does it increase or decrease, and why?  I
 should know by now, but I don't, and I did run into trouble once by
 doing it at the wrong time.  Since things seem pretty quiet on the list
 at the moment I thought this might be a good time to ask.  (Don't talk
 to me about humidity control; I already know.)

As a matter of fact, I was going to ask the same question. This morning after 
church, while getting ready for this afternoon's Children's Christmas 
Pageant, my choir director asked if I could tune and fix the piano before 3 
o'clock. The problem was bobbling hammers, (and it was out of tune). I 
discovered a lot of lost motion in the upper bass and the whole middle 

This is a 20 year old Yamaha studio in very good condition The last time I 
tuned it was in May, and there was no lost motion then, (I would have fixed 
it if there was).  

If the keybed had sagged, then the middle action bracket would have been 
loose, but it wasn't it. It wasn't the soft peddle rod moving the hammer rail 
up, because the rod was disconnected. 

I adjusted lost motion, and the piano played fine. But as Clyde asked, why 
did this happen?


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