1980 Mason Hamlin BB

Sun, 24 Dec 2000 16:22:28 EST

Gary F. wrote;
<<" What are the chances 
of replacing the stack with a current production one and getting rid of those 
awful Aeolian wippins?">>

 Renner parts will fit very well and perform excellently. Hammers are kinda 
pretty much a toss-up with Renner Blue tending softer and Abel Encore tending 
firmer.  Both are an excellent fit, as I am sure other makes are.
 One of the cost saving measures that Aeolian instituted was to remove the 
glued/screwed/doweled pinblock and replace it with a 'floating' block.
 If you did nothing else but fit the block well, dowel and glue it to the rim 
and stretcher, the improvement would be worth the money spent. The sustain 
will improve rather dramatically and the power will improve as well. The 
sounding board/bridge system will be the main limiting factor here but I am 
not sure that anything would needfully be gained by changing it out....but 
then I am lazyy..doncha know! :-)

With a fitted pinblock and new Renner parts, along with your choice of a 
premium hammer, the ole BB thingee will not sound the same......worth it? 
yep-in my opinion.
Jim Bryant (FL) 

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