Victor Borge

Horace Greeley
Sun, 24 Dec 2000 00:29:41 -0800


It is with some sadness that I pass along news of the death of Victor Borge.

Those of us who were privileged to work with him knew him as an underrated 
musician and performer.  More importantly, he was a consummate gentleman 
and citizen of the world.

If, to paraphrase John Donne, every person's death diminishes me because of 
my involvement in humankind; then surely, the reverse is true for those 
who, like Borge, have a level of involvement with humankind which 
transcends petty distinctions of language, culture, borders, time and space 
- we are all diminished by his passing as we were enriched by his wit, 
humor, and humanity.

More news as it comes in.  If others have more information, please do pass 
it on.

Best regards to all,


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