Snappy Baldwin Tuning Pins

Fri, 22 Dec 2000 22:26:35 EST

In a message dated 12/22/00 11:55:09 AM Central Standard Time, writes:

<< you won't see me smiling much when I walk up to a
 newer Baldwin vertical with my tuning hammer in hand.
 Everyone had used the term "snappy". Can I assume this is the same as
 "jumpy"? >>

Personally, I love tuning newer Baldwin verticals. If you try to get the 
unisons to sound as clean as a Yamaha, they will drive you crazy. But if you 
can accept the slightly dirty unisons and know when to move on, they are no 
problem. The newer Baldwin grands are a different matter. I don't find the 
pins to be jumpy as much as there seems to be too much friction at the 
bearing points. The pin is moving but not the pitch of the string, then it 
goes all at once. That friction is what makes it so hard to settle it where 
you want it.

Dave Bunch

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