Snappy Baldwin Tuning Pins

Richard Brekne
Sat, 23 Dec 2000 00:34:49 +0100

Farrell wrote:

> I see lots of responses have pretty well covered what to do with these
> pianos. I'm not sure it was clearly pointed out however that this IS indeed
> a pin setting problem (or arguably a manufacturing/design problem). For some
> reason I learned to tune with a jerky motion, so I haven't had toooooo much
> trouble with Balwins, but you won't see me smiling much when I walk up to a
> newer Baldwin vertical with my tuning hammer in hand.

Nice Point Terry. I said in a thread that went by a few weeks ago that I myself
didnt believe in a "one style fits all"  hammer technique.  There has been quite
a few good responses but it is of note that some advise an impact style..others
advise a slower pulling approach. I think even one hinted at an attempt at
getting the snaps to be like really short useing a jerkish kind of approach.

Point is that whatever works is whatever works. You have to be ready to try
something other then your standard proceedure. I personally like to try to get
the pin moveing smoothly.. I might turn it down and up couple of times to see if
that can smooth out the snaps... or I might find that depending on whether I am
sort of pulling out and around with the hammer or more in and around things
might get easier.  But some pianos no matter what you do insist on snapping,
crackling, and popping. In that case you got a bowl of Rice Crispies and you
simply gotta find some way of going with the flow.

Experiment around with things you've been told, and find what works best for
you.  I dont believe there is such a thing as the "one best way". We each have
our own sense of feel and thats at least half the game when it comes to making
tuning pins behave as we want them to.

my 12 øres worth

Richard Brekne
Bergen, Norway

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