straws, anyone?

Jon Page
Thu, 21 Dec 2000 20:56:39 -0500

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At 01:27 AM 12/22/2000 +0000, you wrote:
>In article <>, Newton Hunt <> writes
>>> > The straws keep the parts well aligned.  For those of us who
>>> > are straight line challenged.
>>> > Newton Hunt
>>>Besides, which customer looks at a shank anyway?
>>You don't understand, this is for MY convenience.  Why use
>>an ill fitting shank when I can splice the old one and
>>_nobody_ will know unless they remove the action.
>It's only ill fitting if you make it that way. Sorry, no matter how you 
>dress this up for an upright hammer shank replacement it's bad workmanship 
>to use straws.

Maybe you just haven't come across a piano which you could not get away 
from fast enough.

The straw has to be a snug fit. Brass tubing works as well for a splint but 
it can't be sliced off
after the glue dries like a straw can.

Jon Page,   piano technician
Harwich Port, Cape Cod, Mass.
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