
Wimblees@AOL.COM Wimblees@AOL.COM
Thu, 21 Dec 2000 09:35:24 EST

In a message dated 12/20/00 9:06:36 PM Central Standard Time, writes:

<< What's in X-14?  Will it kill me or small pets? >>

X - 14 is a product that kills mildew. It is primarily used for the bath tub, 
but it will kill mildew anywhere. I have used to remove mildew from the 
underside of a soundboard and rims. It smells like bleach and can be bought 
in the grocery store or hardware store 

The reason Said not to use it on actions is because of the moisture content, 
which, as you suggested, might hard the centers. And if the mildew penetrated 
the action center cloths, there is no way that this stuff will remove it from 
there. That is why I suggested replacing the parts, or even the whole piano, 
if the mildew is bad enough.


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