straws, anyone?

Newton Hunt
Thu, 21 Dec 2000 09:23:20 -0500

> However, I do not guarantee this repair and usually inform 

Hi Clyde,

I have used this trick for about 30 years and have had no
failures yet.  Using Rite Bond will provide a bond that is
stronger than the wood itself, new or old.

If the shank is broken off straight, no large glue surface,
CA will fix it immediately and that joint is stronger than
the wood.

I _hate_ changing shanks when I don't have an exact match.

There is a kit available from some of the supply houses that
will cut a shank short but with a long smooth gluing
surface.  Cut an upright shank with the tool and straw them
together.  Simple device but very effective.  I have had one
o those for 30 as well.

You _can_ guarantee this repair.  I just ask the customer
not to play it hard until the next day to give the glue time
to cure.
		Newton Hunt
		Highland Park, NJ

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