A moderated list --- join now

Richard Moody remoody@midstatesd.net
Wed, 20 Dec 2000 23:32:49 -0600

For those interested in forming or joining a moderated list simply email me.
I will send the last two days of this list as a sample of moderated form,
and continue once a day for two more days or as interest demands.  Then for
two more days perhaps someone else can do it.  That might  provide insight
as to selectivity standards. The aim is to actually come up with a moderated
list, to see what is involved with....
    1.  The actual effort
    2.  The actual product.

This should help decide if a moderated list is worth the effort.  Then the
basics such as standards, form and scope could be worked out.

The moderated list would not replace this list, but rather draw from it to
serve those who wish relevant information in condensed form and sensibly
indexed .
Also there are other lists and resources that could be drawn from.

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