
Wed, 20 Dec 2000 22:14:10 EST

Lance wrote;
<<"I assumed that anything with water or other stuff that didn't flash off
would swell action centers and create work, so I used the alcohol.  A strong
air blast does wonders!">>
 Well alcohol contains quite a lot of water by volume. Did it hurt the action 
centers? Air will clean all the 'fuzzy' off mold/mildew but it won't remove 
the spores which cause the mold/mildew.

 <<"What's in X-14?  Will it kill me or small pets?">>
I don't know but I have used it for years and never had it affect me, any 
actions or small pets for that matter. Of course I 'do' occasionally lose my 
trai......."chestnuts roasting on an open fire, Jack Frost nipping at your 
nose although it's been said many times, many ways"...Merry Christmas to 
y'all!! :-)
Jim Bryant (FL)

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