Moderate the list?

Richard Brekne
Wed, 20 Dec 2000 22:59:25 +0100

So far the best idea to my mind so far ventureed was not so much a moderator
of the list, as an editor for the archives. Its clear that the list serves
to some degree as a meeting place...and a bit of chit chat seems to be
enjoyed by more then it is annoying to others. Still there is no reason for
all that to be included in the archives.

An archive editor would have a much easier time of it... simply editing out
all non technical commentary. Wouldnt need any debate over piano-political
issues... any idle social niceites... or just plain kidding around. Just cut
all except technical posts out for inclusion to the archives.

This coupled with the kind of approach Ron advises should go a long way to
satisfying all sides concerned here.

Now if we can only get someone to volunteer for the job.

Richard Brekne
Bergen, Norway

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