Moderate the list?

Clyde Hollinger
Wed, 20 Dec 2000 13:06:32 -0500


I think Mike's suggestion is worth a try, although the guidelines he suggests
look problematic to me.  I emailed Mike privately about my reasoning.  Even the
appearance of guidelines twice a month might be a deterrent to getting too far
off the subject too often.

How about a committee of 2-3 persons coming up with a suitable wording?  Can
Andy set up the program to run it automatically every so often?  Now as to how
one chooses that committee, ....   duh.  (We need someone else's smarts.)


Michael Jorgensen wrote:

> List,
> Here is a Moderation Suggestion,
> Adopt a set of written rules similar to this example to appear each week
> automatically.
> 1. No more than a certain percentage of non technical items. (15% perhaps?)
> 2. A general limit on the number of messages per day  (100 perhaps?)
> 3.  A limit to redundancy
> Contributors should scroll back 24 hours to see if their post would violate
> -Mike Jorgensen
> I am not for a flesh and blood moderator.

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