Superglue and Agraffes?

Richard Brekne
Wed, 20 Dec 2000 09:01:37 +0100

Who knows... but this one would suprise me if true... Still... I remember some
commercial a few years back.. something about glue joints being able to
withstand the weight of an elephant... :)

Curiousity demands I ask who the manufacturer was.

Carol Beigel wrote:

> I need to know if I'm just becoming old and cranky, or is there really
> something valid about temporarily repairing a broken agraffe with superglue.
>   A brand new baby grand piano had just been uncrated when I  noticed the
> agraffe (three hole) on the second tenor unison had sheared off at the
> plate.  Immediately the manufacturer was called and they sent a new agraffe
> - however they sent the wrong size.  This wasn't discovered though, until I
> had already cut 4 wires and extracted the piece still remaining in the
> plate.  They claimed they were out of stock on the correct size agraffe, and
> that I should just superglue the old one together!  I was absolutely
> shocked!
> I threatened to send the piano back if a proper size part didn't arrive in a
> timely fashion.  I have heard of many marvelous repairs that superglue can
> be used for, but is this one of them?
> Carol Beigel
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Richard Brekne
Bergen, Norway

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