Hardman pianos (edited)

kam544@flash.net kam544@flash.net
Tue, 19 Dec 2000 10:30:09 -0600

>Keith:  I was at the store today where my Hardman is on consignment.  The
>string height at the top of the treble bridge is about 7/8 inch from the top
>of the string to the soundboard.  At the other end of the bridge it is about
>1 and 1/8 inch.

Carl, List,

Thanks for taking the time, Carl.  That 7/8" is closer anyway, not counting
the music wire diameter.

I decided to remeasure in mm this just behind the dampers and measure more
notes on this 5'8" .  Here are my findings, measuring from the top of the
soundboard to the underside of the wrapped strings / music wire:

E1 - 23mm (0.9055118101")
E2 - 22mm (0.8661417314")
E3 - 14mm (0.5511811018")
E5 - 15mm (0.5905511805")
E6 - 17mm (0.6692913379")
E7- 16mm (0.6299212592")

Notice that no distance is greater that 1 inch.  I find that very
interesting!  The sound and response are quite incredible on this piano
despite its visible appearances suggesting just the opposite should occur.

Keith McGavern aka McMeasure
Registered Piano Technician
Oklahoma Chapter 731
Piano Technicians Guild

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