adding notes to upright

Stephen Airy
Tue, 19 Dec 2000 02:00:40 -0800

I am planning on restoring a Ricca & Son upright that I own sometime when I 
have the money.  I also play the piano, and because of my style I often run 
out of notes when I reach the end of the keyboard, but I am unfortunately 
unable to afford a Bosendorfer.  I was wondering -- is there a way I could 
figure out if, and how many, notes I can add at each end of the piano?  I 
have room on the key blocks to add extra keys, but my concern is the action 
and strings.  I'd like to, if possible, add 5 notes in the bass and 4 notes 
in the treble, for a total of 97 keys, or 8 octaves.  What do you think?

Currently it is A1 to F#10 monochord, G11 to B27 bichord, C28 to C88 
trichord.  If I extended the keys the way I was thinking, I was thinking 
move the mono-bi break to E9 / F10 and either leave the bi / tri break 
alone or move it down a half step.

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