Old uprights - think twice?

Douglasmahard@AOL.COM Douglasmahard@AOL.COM
Mon, 18 Dec 2000 23:00:26 EST

In a message dated 12/18/2000 7:50:08 AM Eastern Standard Time, 
cedel@supernet.com writes:

<< riends,
 I am wondering if there is a gradual change in our thinking taking place
 regarding old uprights.  Ten years ago I would have thought that the
 best way to advise owners of these pianos is that they be disposed of.
 Yet some of them were very well built, and it seems to me that there is
 a slow but increasing sentiment that at least the better ones are worth
 keeping.  Should we show these old beasts more respect?
 Clyde Hollinger, RPT >>

Hi Clyde,

I'm all for showing the better made old uprights with fancy cases more 
respect.  These instruments are not only good instruments but unique pieces 
of furniture too.  Mr. Bolduc would love to expand his market for pinblocks 
and soundboards also.  My hunch is a lot of these instruments will be getting 
"rebuilt" in the coming years.

Happy holidays everybody.

Doug Mahard

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