Past PTG President Identity

Mon, 18 Dec 2000 22:10:21 -0500

Hi List. Wow. Busy time of year. Got 81 messages in inbox. No time to read.
Gotta write short, choppy sentences! I tuned a M&H BB today for a retired
physician that just moved down here from Cleveland. He said his former tuner
(I forget his name) tuned for the Cleveland Orchestra and was president of
the PTG just a few years ago. Does anyone know who this might be? I'm
curious who's skills mine are gonna be compared to (remember, I'm kinda new
at this, so this is kind of interesting to me)! If you know who it is, Have
you ever heard his work (tunings - i.e. is he good, great, or fabulous)?

BTW, what was M&H's situation in 1982 (when this BB was mfg.). Was it
Aeolian? This piano kinda seemed like an average M&H at 30 to 40 years old,
rather than just 18 years old. Kinda so, so at best. Kinda suprised.

Terry Farrell
Piano Tuning & Service
Tampa, Florida

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