
Dan Hallett Jr. dhalle@toolcity.net
Mon, 18 Dec 2000 21:03:18 -0500

Another angle...about what a list might be.

My wife is an accomplished seamstress. There is a list for them which is so
influential that it causes sewing machine companies to monitor it closely.

Yet one finds on it recipes, needs of individuals, and many other itmes not
related to sewing.

Through this list there have been started annual convocations, complete with
classes, in many parts of the US. There are many friendships started and
maintained due to this list.

There are dealers, teachers, and Manufacturer's representatives from other
countries who visit these convocations, and who contribute to the list.

My point - a list may be both technical and personal, and still be extremely
beneficial. I've seen it at work and working.

I've got my flame suit on and I'm ducking.

Dan Hallett

Date: Mon, 18 Dec 2000 08:42:12 -0600
From: Richard Oliver Snelson <rsnelson@dave-world.net>
Subject: Re: no technical content WARNING - RANT

Ron, It's too bad you don't get the point! They are tired of this. And
this is the place to do something about it. We need a moderator!

As a general rule: If what you say shouldn't be published in the
journal, don't put it here either.


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