other instruments

Ron Koval drwoodwind@hotmail.com
Mon, 18 Dec 2000 17:10:24

LHSBAND440@AOL.COM writes:
<< What about other instruments.  The following all tune their own 
 >Piccolo, Flute, Oboe, Bassoon, Clarinets, Saxophones, Trumpets, Horns,
 >Trombone, Baritones, Tubas, Violins, Violas, Cellos, Bass, Guitars, 

>from Willem:
>Not only learn to tune, but also repair them. I was a French Horn >player 
>and knew how to dismantle and repair my instrument. Most clarinet, flute, 
>saxophone, etc., players know how to repair loose pads, broken springs. 
> >etc.

Apples and oranges.

Tuning a wind or string instrument is different because the player adjusts 
the tuning "on the fly" (well, they should, if they're using their ears!) 
Granted, the brass players can adjust their slides for the different valves, 
but it really comes down to the ear/lip working together. The tuning is 
dynamic, an ever changing target.

In piano tuning, you get one shot to make that puppy work for all types of 
music.  It is a static thing, once set, can't be changed by the performer 
during a performance.

As an instrument repair guy as well, I get to see lots of repairs done to 
band and orchestra instruments that are.....well....creative.  Like the 
bassoon with the swab stuck in the inside that they decided to drill 
out.....oops! through the side of the horn!  Well, it pays the bills :)

Really, though, I find that the reason I enjoy piano work over instrument 
work, is that most of the time, instrument work is emergency in nature (can 
you make it work?.. yeah, I bent the springs so the keys open, oh yeah, I 
used a match to re glue the pads, I'm not sure why the low notes won't come 
out now.....) while piano work is by nature a repeat business that can build 
upon itself through client satisfaction.  We get the chance to educate the 
client to maintain an instrument, not just fix it when it stops working.

Happy holidays, everyone
enjoy the work- bring music back into their homes!

Ron Koval

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