Killing the List

Richard Brekne
Mon, 18 Dec 2000 09:31:48 +0100

"Woodrow, John (Parramatta)" wrote:

> With the demise of most formal courses in piano technology, I believe the
> list has, or at least had, the potential to fill a large gap in the piano
> technology educational space.  My experience is that those who say they know
> everything and don't need this are usually in most need of such a resource.
> For this purpose my recommendations to the PTG to get the list back on this
> track would be:
> It should only be available to PTG members (including International
> Correspondence).  Reason, if you don't want to financially contribute, well
> need I explain, and
> A paid moderator should be appointed.  I would be more than happy to have a
> small increase in membership fee (say $10 or $20) to pay for the use of a
> moderated list.
> Regards,
> John Woodrow

While I see the sense in much of Johns reasoning... I fail to see how
restriction to PTG members will contribute in any significant way to achieving
any of the goals he mentions. Further it would seem to me this list has value in
other regards, for example increasing contacts and exchanges of ideas between
people from around the world, and as a voice for the PTG in general.

I wouldnt mind seeing a moderator.. but I dont see that happening.

One idea that should be simple to implement and probably would go a long way to
reduceing static would be to remove the "reply to" part of the heading from the
list. On some other lists I have seen you have to manually move the lists
address into the posting address slot, as we have to do today to insure a
private reply. If replies didnt automatically go to the list we would all have
to think twice and thrice before shooting off one liners, triva, or posts
written in haste and/or some distorted emotional state...grin.

Richard Brekne
Bergen, Norway

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