hammer boring.

Ron Nossaman RNossaman@KSCABLE.com
Sun, 17 Dec 2000 22:29:35 -0600

>> I built my own
>I remember you mentioning it before; what with your previously sweated
>upon bridge caps and monster meatsaw, you are one cool recyclin' dude!

Hi Clark,
I try wherever I can, and that's entire vertically laminated capped bridges
- not just caps. <G>

>If I build one it will be similar to the Renner tool. 

About twenty years ago, I thought I ought to be boring my own hammers and
built a jig that looked disturbingly like the current Renner, only smaller.
Too small, actually, and I never worked it out to my satisfaction and
pitched it some years later. Some day, maybe I'll decide my jig is too ugly
to live any longer and build a Renner-like one too.

I don't know if this has come up on the List or not, but I was told the
Renner jig isn't calibrated in degrees, but at 100 tics per 90° (I think),
so anybody using one had better measure angles with the Renner gauge if
they expect to do it by the numbers. Can anyone verify or dispel that please?

Ron N

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