hammer boring.

Stephen Powell pianotec@ihug.co.nz
Mon, 18 Dec 2000 09:49:26 +1300

There is another boring jig available too.  Oliag in Switzerland supply a
beautifully made borer that looks like a precision engineering tool.  One of
our local techs has one and he was told that it is THE best available.  I
don't know what price it is but I understand that it's pretty expensive.
Anyone else with experience on this one?

Stephen Powell

-----Original Message-----
From: Ron Nossaman <RNossaman@KSCABLE.com>
To: pianotech@ptg.org <pianotech@ptg.org>
Date: Monday, 18 December 2000 06:39 AM
Subject: Re: hammer boring.

>>I have one of Brooks', and saw the Renner jig last May. There's no
>>comparison. Check the archives, I think there's a third tool that was
>>mentioned last year.
>The Renner is a nice looking jig. I haven't used one, but those who have
>like them a lot. Go to WWW.rennerusa.com, chase down the rebuilding tools,
>and have a look at it.
>>I just retired the Brooks thing, after giving up on clamping a
>>not-included x-y vise in place a while ago, rather to calculate and mark
>>moldings and use the held-upright-but-not-clamped jig simply to hold
>>them (with a couple rubber bands, too). I bought a cheap ($20) angle
>>vise with (sloppy but shimmable) dovetailed ways instead of the Wilton
>>style and which is better suited for my sort of freehanded method -
>>clamping, much sturdier and with a lower center of gravity.
>I built my own, similar to the Brooks, but with a combination back/base
>made of old take out pinblock material with the base big enough to C clamp
>to the drill press table. It's pretty solid, I can still lift it, and it
>does what I consider to be an adequate job, though it's not as versatile,
>and nowhere near as sexy as the Renner.
>Ron N

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