hammer boring.

jolly roger baldyam@sk.sympatico.ca
Sun, 17 Dec 2000 11:52:12 -0600

Hi Richard,
                 I think the jig is $275.00 US. I bought mine a few years
ago at a National convention. Sat in on the full day Renner class and Lloyd
was giving a 30% discount on all Renner tools, to class participants.  What
a Deal.
I just clamp mine direct to my drill table after figuring the bore
distance. Rake and angles, are so simple to adjust. The hammers are held in
place nice and firm.
It only take's about an hour to do a whole set. Including set up time.
It's so easy to graduate the bore angles thro' the tenor section in 1
degree increments if needed.
Wally Brooks is one the best in the business at supplying pre bored
hammers. The Renner jig enables me to match his quality, with ease.
PS Renner has a price increase Jan 1st. So contact Lloyd if you are
thinking of taking the plunge.
Regards Roger

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