String Splice Time
Sat, 16 Dec 2000 22:47:29 -0600

>... I'm beginning to consider splicing more, even though I don't like
>the looks of it.
>Regards, Clyde

Splicing is one of the spices of piano repair, Clyde.  I highly recommend
on old Piano Technicians Journal article, December 1977, page 6-15, by
Yat-Lam Hong about string knots.

If this doesn't get the juices flowing for you, then you aren't the
internet piano person I think you are.

As for looks, once in the groove of doing such a thing, each one becomes a
work of art in itself, and this art form connects you to the world only
knotty people know and understand !

Keith McGavern aka McKnot  :)
Registered Piano Technician
Oklahoma Chapter 731
Piano Technicians Guild

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