String Splice Time

Ron Nossaman
Sat, 16 Dec 2000 21:56:27 -0600

>Just what the heck do you do for Uncle Joe's Salvation Missionary
>Fundamentalist Primitive Savior of All Church when you go there to tune and
>the poor old Young Chang upright (or better yet - 1960s Brand X spinet) is
>missing 5 bass strings (they didn't break, they were vaporized)?

Then they get to wait in relative silence for replacements. Oddly enough,
after the first time, those broken strings quit evaporating. Strange, isn't
it, how some educational methods work better than others? 

>How does one massage a knot - just kinda squish it together?

Yup, from every angle you can reach. You don't squeeze it hard once, but a
little a lot of times. It works better than you'd expect until you try it.

Ron N

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