String Splice Time

Clyde Hollinger
Sat, 16 Dec 2000 22:25:54 -0500


So some find the universal replacement strings helpful and others don't.
Maybe that means we can't count on consistent results.  Maybe Newton works on
all high quality pianos.  I wouldn't use a universal string in one of them,
either -- except in an emergency until a good replacement can be ordered.  On
pianos of low quality I'm quite sure I'll continue to use them to some
extent.  I'm beginning to consider splicing more, even though I don't like
the looks of it.

Regards, Clyde

> >...Universals don't work.
> >Newton Hunt
> Newton, List,
> I trust you meant, they don't work for you.  My experience has been quite
> the opposite as a whole.

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