Pitch Raise Fee Structure

pianolover 88 pianolover88@hotmail.com
Sat, 16 Dec 2000 18:15:49 -0800

>From: "Farrell" <mfarrel2@tampabay.rr.com>

>You would pitch raise a rusty 1948 Acrosonic spinet that was 220 cents flat
>for 1/2 your tuning fee? You would be looking at three or more passes 
>you were ready to tune!


You must've not read my post completely...look again and you will notice 
that I stated: "in most cases" below. Of couse there are ALWAYS exceptions, 
like the acrosonic you mentioned, and i've encountered a few that were ULTRA 
flat, but very rarely. When/if i do, I always recommend at least TWO PR's or 
even 3, to help prevent/minimize string breakage, and increase stability.

>>That means no matter how flat the piano is, in most
cases, the aforementioned applies. I usually never have to do more than
one PR to get it into the "ballpark".<<

> > Terry Peterson
> > Associate Member PTG
> > Los Angeles, CA

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