Chisel Sharpening - Help!

Newton Hunt
Sat, 16 Dec 2000 15:53:05 -0500

I notch from the top down, but I haven't done a lot of it
over the years, certainly not like you have, had, will,

You are centric, ego-, con-, counter-, anthro-, ec-, acro-
and multi- so I am not at all surprised to hear you have a
different way of doing things.  So what else is new.

Any poor schnook has to start somewhere and I think
"standard practice" is a good place until he learns how to
be different.  Look how long it has taken you to be

I don't do things the "normal" way either, I don't know how,
but I do like SHARP tools even if my brain is less than.

Have a centric weekend.
		Newton Hunt
		Highland Park, NJ

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