The nicest compliment one could get.

Phil Bondi
Sat, 16 Dec 2000 15:38:19 -0500

I hope the following doesn't come off sounding self-serving..I just want to
share with this list.

I just got off the phone with a woman technician in the area who is going to
refer all...ALL..of her customers to me.  She started 'slowing down' years
ago and now only has, by her estimation, 300 steady, reliable customers. She
is getting out of the business.

I know of Nancy, and obviously Nancy knows of me..she is not referring any
of her customers to anyone else.

We have never met..we have spoken on the phone a number of times, usually
relating to Pnuematic Players, which she enjoys re-building.

The nicest thing she said to me was this:

"I know I don't follow you in the field, and we have spoken on the phone a
number of times regarding pianos..I also know you are a member of the Guild,
and that tells me that you care about the pianos you service, and you must
be keeping these people happy since I do not follow you in the field. I want
my customers to know that I am referring someone who I trust."

..and we've never met.

We will meet to go over her card file, but that's more for her own piece of
mind, knowing that we have met.

Flattered beyond words,


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