
David Renaud
Sat, 16 Dec 2000 14:36:08 -0500

One of our local members draws the strings onto a
thin piece of clear Plexiglas. Useful for string placement
as well as hammer alignment.

I'm considering doing this next time I remove a set of string.

                                Dave Renaud

james turner wrote:

> I have two questions I'm hoping someone on the List can answer.
> Before removing the treble strings in a upright piano, is there some
> type of jig that can be made so you know exactly where the new strings
> will go?  Usually, I line them up with the grooves in the old hammers,
> maybe a jig would be better.
> Also, does anyone have a good method of gluing on a new fallboard felt
> that is neat and even?
> Thanks
> Jim Turner

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