hammer boring.

D.Martens cybertuner@planet.nl
Sat, 16 Dec 2000 19:36:57 +0100

ehh...... Ik ben geen expert in t engels, maar....

in t engels is 'boren'   'to drill' geloof ik....
'boring' in't engels betekent in Hollands 'vervelend' cq 'slaapverwekkend'
Een amerikaan of engelsman zal het niet helemaal kunnen plaatsen geloof

So maybe you should rephrase your question ?

-----Original Message-----
From: Peter Kestens <KESTENS.P@Debcom.be>
To: Pianotech@Ptg.Org <pianotech@ptg.org>
Date: Saturday, December 16, 2000 7:23 PM
Subject: hammer boring.

>Who can help me with this problem: setting and boring the angle
>of hammers for boring is no problem.  But boring a whole set of hammers
>the same angle for and after so the strings are touched with 90 degrees, is
>not easy.  Who can tell me a simple way to guarantee all the hammers
>the same angle for and after?
>Peter Kestens (Belgium)

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