What is and what is not ... (correction/resend)

kam544@flash.net kam544@flash.net
Sat, 16 Dec 2000 11:03:39 -0600

Dear Richard, List,

>...You responded to mine and others posting on the subject matter stated
>above, as
>it relates to the discussion about PTG testing using the ETD alone...
>Richard Brekne

No, Richard, I didn't.

Correction: I did make one responding post to you, Richard, under the thread
    Re: ETD's, calculators and the exam.

The reason: You brought my name into that thread by saying,

"...If you are willing to accept that a piano tuner need no
>other qualification then to be able to leave the piano in a tuned state as
>seems to purport... then fine... bring on the ETDs..."

I felt I needed to set aside you speaking for me as you did.  That was the
end of my participation in
      Re: ETD's, calculators and the exam.

(further text deleted)

Keith McGavern
Registered Piano Technician
Oklahoma Chapter 731
Piano Technicians Guild

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