What is a tuner. The end.

Richard Brekne Richard.Brekne@grieg.uib.no
Sat, 16 Dec 2000 15:08:44 +0100

Since this set of threads has obviously
degenerated beyond any usefullness I will post a
final statement on the matter and not respond any

The subject matter was brought up on Wims
insistance, after first Jeannie then myself I
tried to head this off saying it really belongs on
the PTG-L list.

No one has any more right to feel insulted or have
there feelings hurt then I do, and I dont have any
such reactions at all.. Its been fun to a point...
and enlightening to a point. Beyond that point it
is just well... beyond...grin. No sense getting
all hot and bothered on a personal level.

As far as the actual issue is concerned. I simply
restate the facts. A person is not a piano tuner
unless they can tune the piano without any aid
from any device. All the playing with words and
dinking around with erroneous logic can not change
that. This does not imply that anyone who uses an
ETD cannot tune, is not a tuner or any such thing.
It simply states what it states. Anyone who cannot
tune a piano with out aid of a device is not a

To state that the end result can determine whether
or not the piano was tuned by a person who is
indeed a piano tuner is an erroneous attempt at
inductive reasoning. Heck... you cant even induce
whether the piano was tuned by a human based on
the result, let alone assess the skills of a human
in any meaningfull way beyond the stability issue.

In the most ridiculous example it was stated or
implied that a person who simply had to flip and
on and off switch could be defined as a piano
tuner.  I am indeeeeeeddd sorry if anyone gets
upset at being told how absurd this is.  But there
you have it.

I dearly hope that the PTG does not move in this
direction. As others have stated... and I aggree
with.. I would rather see the PTG require a higher
degree of knowledge and skill then it does today
before bestowing any Title on an individual.
Especially when PTG declares to the world at large
that the employment of an RPT is the best
insurance of proffesional workmanship available.

Merry Christmas everybody... and I do mean that

Richard Brekne
Bergen, Norway

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