What is and what is not a piano tuner (was Re: The FinalResult)

Sat, 16 Dec 2000 09:16:21 EST

 Richard writes:

<< I remember a previous discussion you and I had about HT's where we both
seemed very very much aggreed that any tuner should be required to have a
workable knowledge of basic HT principles... or at least a theoretical
familiarity with them.  I am curious as to how you can have what are two
apparently conflicting stands on this.>>

      I don't believe I have ever said a tech should be "required" to have a 
working knowledge of temperaments( my memory is no longer perfect, of 
course).  I have always pushed the point that being able to offer more than 
one way to tune a piano makes a technician more valuable.  This allows 
initiative to be profitable for those willing to broaden their horizons. 
   Lawyers, electricians, and plumbers, as well as doctors, are all involved 
in questions of peoples life and limb,(or in the case of lawyers, freedom).  
There is a compelling reason for the government to protect the public from 
those that would endanger them.  This doesn't hold for piano tuners, 
painters, or many other crafts.  If we have a certification board for piano 
techs, then we need one for interior designers, car mechanics, window 
washers, refrigerator repair, and thousands of other ways people go about 
making their living. Anathema!  
    Often, the cry for government oversight comes from those that fear 
cheaper competition. I don't want that "protection", but I do need the 
freedom to make my way on my own.  That was a primary reason for going into 
this field, ( along with the encouragement of Kelly Ward) and I oppose any 
move that would take away the autonomy that I believe the vast majority of us 
     At the bottom of this discussion is the question of where accountability 
come from.  To trust the government to police the field is very different 
than having the market do so.  I believe that the market is the better judge 
of quality than a government appointed board.  
Ed Foote RPT

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