What is and what is not a piano tuner (was Re: The FinalResult)

Richard Brekne Richard.Brekne@grieg.uib.no
Sat, 16 Dec 2000 10:34:12 +0100

A440A@AOL.COM wrote:

>  Richard.Brekne writes:
> <<and this
> opens a completely different subject matter... I would prefer, given the
> relative
> ease of the PTG's seiries of tests, that anyone who intends on earning  money
> for
> doing this job we do be required by law to demonstrate at least this level of
> competance. It is by no means a difficult task for anyone with even the most
> basic
> levels of accomplished skill.>>

Greetings in return. No it does not mean I want the government to interfere in
your lives and take away your personal freedoms or enslave you  or any of that
stuff. Gollly Ed. What on earth is wrong with being required to demonstrate that
you have a basic skill level. If you are so hung up on this point... why dont you
get equally hung up on testing for membership in the PTG ?

If there is anything insane... it is allowing anybody who wants to to buy $27
worth of tools and  out and start taking peoples money, calling themselves a
proffessional whatever.

Sheesh whats the big deal with this anyways ?? Do you really see government
oppression out of the need to test individuals for compentancy ?

>  Greetings,
>         Um,  you mean, you want the government to make the decision who can
> and who cannot legally tune a piano?  That has to be the most insane
> suggestion I have heard on this list.
> Regards,
> Ed Foote RPT

Richard Brekne
Bergen, Norway

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