The tuner controversy

Richard Brekne
Sat, 16 Dec 2000 02:26:21 +0100

"Jim Coleman, Sr." wrote:

> Hi to all:
> I had thought that we had put an end to the controversy about whether or
> not a piano can be tuned with an ETD. ...... snipp..

Again... this is not the issue here. No one is argueing that point.

The arguement centers around the idea  that a good tuning implicitly means
there was a knowledgeable, skilled technician preforming the work.

It does not, simply because this result can be achieved by other means. Both
the RCT and the SAT are capable in themselves of creating a very good tuning.
The only human skill and knowledge needed to execute that tuning is that of
setting the pins to the machines satisfaction.

The argument then is about whether this lonely skill in itself qualifies the
person as a piano tuner or not.

> --

Richard Brekne
Bergen, Norway

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