
Eugenia Carter
Fri, 15 Dec 2000 19:11:24 -0800


You asked: how long? As with everything else in our work, how long is
relative. (You might want to check the archives for using protek to assist
in rendering.) As one example of my own use, on the Bosendorfer I did the
first application, then a couple weeks later did a second. This was about
three years ago. Have not had to touch up since, but that doesn't mean it
may not need to be touched up when I tune it next week. Since I carry protek
with me all the time, no problem. Use when/as needed.

Following Ed's recommendation, the place I apply it for rendering assistance
is on the underfelt of the strings between the tuning pin and the
agraffe/capo bar areas. "Less is better" as in one or two drops per string
for each application has worked for me.

I don't recall anyone recommending that protek be used on agraffes. I don't
think I would try that myself as I would be concerned about it creeping
along the strings, but if it works for you great.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Richard Brekne" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, December 15, 2000 8:08 AM
Subject: Re: protek

> I am wondering how long this proceedure can be expected to help a piano,
or does
> it take several applications. I am also wondering if protek can react to
> kind of brass composition. The reason I ask this last part is that I added
a few
> drops all agraffes on a Bohemian (Petrof offspin) 185 console grand and
they all
> turned green a few days later. On a Kawaii grand I service, it seemed to
help a
> bit right then and there, but the next time I was on this piano it was
> difficult again.
> Richard Brekne
> RPT, N.P.T.F.
> Bergen, Norway

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