SAT Mystery

Diane Hofstetter
Fri, 15 Dec 2000 14:59:12 -0900

Les Bartlett said:

most of the rest of
>the piano was within about three cents.  WHY this lady called me, I don't

_That_ question is the key to your success.  To find out why that lady 
called you and to give her what she is looking for in the piano.  Perhaps it 
needs voicing or regulation and the only word she knows in relation to piano 
servicing is "tuning".  Therefore she goes from tuner to tuner, never being 
satisfied because they are not solving her real problem.

Solve your customer's real problems so they can make the music they so 
desperately desire to hear and you will have a full schedule.

Keeps the job from ever getting boring :-)


>From: Leslie W Bartlett <>

>I figured so, as C-8 was +1 cent, A0 was -6cents, and most of the rest of
>the piano was within about three cents.  WHY this lady called me, I don't
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