ETD's, calculators and the exam
Fri, 15 Dec 2000 12:01:07 -0600

>...If you are willing to accept that a piano tuner need no
>other qualification then to be able to leave the piano in a tuned state as
>seems to purport... then fine... bring on the ETDs. I reject this standpoint
>catagorically. A Piano Tuner is a human being who him/her self is able to
>the process of tuning the instrument, both intellectually and
>mechanically. The
>ETD after this definition is no more and will never be more then a tool,
>where as
>in the former it becomes the principle factor and the human element is
>reduced to
>simple mechanical motion.
>Richard Brekne...

Dear Richard, List,

I much prefer the word affirm, Richard, rather than your choice, purport.
Affirm is clearly, by dictionary definition, much more appropriate in what
I am presenting.

That being said ... I fail to see how any individual who is able to leave a
piano in a tuned state has not clearly demonstrated steering the process of
tuning the piano to that place, both intellectually and mechanically,
regardless of the method of operation used.

By method of operation for clarification, I am basically refering to any of
the following choices: aural only, aural with electronic assistance,
electronic with aural assistance, electronic only, or even some other means
of which I am currenly unaware.

Keith McGavern
Registered Piano Technician
Oklahoma Chapter 731
Piano Technicians Guild

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