
Richard Brekne
Fri, 15 Dec 2000 17:08:41 +0100

I am wondering how long this proceedure can be expected to help a piano, or does
it take several applications. I am also wondering if protek can react to any
kind of brass composition. The reason I ask this last part is that I added a few
drops all agraffes on a Bohemian (Petrof offspin) 185 console grand and they all
turned green a few days later. On a Kawaii grand I service, it seemed to help a
bit right then and there, but the next time I was on this piano it was really
difficult again.

Eugenia Carter wrote:

> Keith,
> The first time I used this approach several years ago I too was nervous.
> Ed Foote was the first person I recall sharing this idea with us. After a
> private email with him, I tried it on a 9' Bosendorfer I had been servicing
> for several years. This piano was the most difficult piano to tune in the
> list of those I serviced. Applying protek carefully rendered this puppy much
> easier to tune; it's now basically no more or less difficult than any other
> instrument I service. (Thanks again Ed for sharing that great idea with us.)
> Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays all,
> Gina

Richard Brekne
Bergen, Norway

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