"head light"

John Musselwhite john@musselwhite.com
Fri, 15 Dec 2000 08:49:27 -0700

At 06:21 AM 12/15/2000 -0500, Clyde wrote:

>I bought a head light at a convention one time.  The batteries were in the 
>right on your forehead, which I found heavy, awkward and uncomfortable, so I
>never tried it more than once or so.  Something lighter may fill the bill for
>you; others have given suggestions you can check out.

I have a pair of plastic frames with a light on each temple that will slip 
over regular glasses . It takes 2 AAA batteries for each light, but they 
don't last all that long... maybe a few hours. They're lighter than the 
headlight and better balanced. Cost was about $10.


John Musselwhite, RPT    -     Calgary, Alberta Canada
http://www.musselwhite.com  http://canadianpianopage.com/calgary
email: john@musselwhite.com    http://www.mp3.com/fatbottom

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