A most unique action

John Voigt jvoigt@gwtc.net
Fri, 15 Dec 2000 09:46:40 -0600


> I had the pleasure, (or displeasure), of working on a VERY old
> Kranich & Bach upright this afternoon.
I understand your indecision as to whether or not it was a pleasure.  I
still don't have a lot of experience, but ran into one of these about 18
months ago.  I think it was the 10th piano I tuned.  It was given to an
asstisted living center.  After removing the rather interesting music
desk, my eyes were drawn to the 'modified bridle straps' (string running
from the bridle wire to the catcher) someone had installed.  This one
was built in 1905.  I don't recall many of the peculiarities you
mention, but that doesn't mean they weren't there.  I do definitely
remember the way the action was mounted though, as I had to remove it to
repair a broken string.  It was just as you describe.  Once I figured it
out, it didn't seem like all that bad of a concept.  I don't know
anything of this piano's history and where it originated, but I live in
SE South Dakota.

John Voigt

Associate Member, PTG (as of 9/2000)

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