
jolly roger
Fri, 15 Dec 2000 00:50:18 -0600

Hi Keith,
             If the rendering is starting to get that bad, you would start
to question if the instrument is in such fine condition.  
Yes I have done it, but be very careful and think twice. Make good and sure
that you clean up any excess with some absorbent paper towel.
Now I will don my flame suit, and duck.
Regards Roger

At 10:29 PM 12/14/00 -0800, you wrote:
>Hello Pianotechs,
>  I've read here about using protek on strings to aid in rendering strings
>across termination points. I've even tried it with great success on an
>older piano. I just thought I'd ask one more time if there is agreement in
>the piano tech community that this safe to do. Are there any adverse
>consequences that anyone knows about? Would you do this on fine concert
>Keith Jones
> Associate Member, PTG

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