Hey, you all :) (OT)

kam544@flash.net kam544@flash.net
Fri, 15 Dec 2000 00:18:30 -0600

>Please, no CC to the list
>Phil Romano

Don't really understand your objection, Phil.  What I posted was meant to
go to the list.  If you had noticed from past posts of mine over the year,
sometimes it's a To:, sometimes it's a CC:, sometimes it's only a To:.
This time it was a CC:.

And if you have been following the general recent posts on Pianotech
lately, I even indicated OT (off topic) for folks who seem to get in a tiff
over such matters.  You had a clear choice in this matter to delete before
reading.  And it wasn't even profane, political, or religious.

So really, Phil, what was it about the straw CC: post I sent that broke
your camel's back enough to comment, that is, as measured against all the
other stuff that goes on in the Pianotech List, where you've basically
remained silent, except to be amazed how many of us are offended by the use
of off color words.

Keith McGavern
Registered Piano Technician
Oklahoma Chapter 731
Piano Technicians Guild

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