What is and what is not a piano tuner (was Re: The Final Result)

kam544@flash.net kam544@flash.net
Thu, 14 Dec 2000 21:26:50 -0600

>...lets start a new post regarding the...definition of a piano tuner...
>Are you prepared to offer evidence in favour of a
>definition for "piano tuner" that limits itself to
>simply being able to turn and set the pins
>to a machines specifications ???...
>Richard Brekne...

Richard, List,

In rising to the call of your proposal ...

As there are numerous individuals throughout the world who do succeed in
accomplishing reasonable, stable piano tunings on a daily basis, that do
receive compensation for such activity, that are not members of, or
affiliated with the Piano Technicians Guild (PTG), that do use various
approaches to accomplishing these tunings, whether it be aural only, aural
with electronic assistance, electronic with aural assistance, electronic
only; what, then, are these persons to call themselves, if not a piano

Is it how many are done per day, week, month, year?
Is it how much one receives in payment?
Is it how satisfied the customer is?
Is it ................ ?

At what point in time does one have the credibility to be called a piano tuner?

Is there a line that exists somewhere between someone being able to tune a
piano, and being a piano tuner, that I am not aware of, other than to be
able to do it, and declare it so?

Sincere questions enreating cerebral answers,

Keith McGavern
Registered Piano Technician
Oklahoma Chapter 731
Piano Technicians Guild

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